Thursday, December 1, 2011


Resilient is an adjective that is used to symbolize success. It's a hard cold world and at some point we ALL have to take our blows! The difference between a loser and a survivor is the survivor bounced back or is resilient. This concept is so simple but it is so fundamentally difficult to grasp when we are faced with tough situations that knock us off of our feet. It's amazing how we go to church, pray and say all of these clichés yet when we are hit, we fold.

I'm finding that resilience is a muscle that has to be trained. It's a muscle that we have to cultivate. Unfortunately it only comes through trials. Lord I wish there were a better way. One thing I always say to people is that we have to make sure we speak positively to ourselves. During the most difficult times it is more important to have positive conversation with ourselves. Having positive conversations with ourselves is like lifting weights.

If you want to lose weight then you do light weight and more repetitions. So if you are trying to rebound from a situation you have to speak to yourself in short intervals more frequent. We have to find positive affirmations that we can recite during the day when things come to mind ie. I'm a good wife; I'm a good cook; I'm good at what I do; I'm blessed and highly favored. (See Louise Hay's affirmations for other examples). When you are trying to build muscle you have to do heavy weights and fewer repetitions. So when we are hit with those hard trials, that's the time we begin to build our muscle. We have to use our heaviest equipment not just our positive affirmations but also our network of support which includes God, family, friends, confidantes, journaling, whatever helps to make it through.

It is said that the most successful cancer survivors have the best attitude about their situation and have a support system that helps them through. So, let's find those positive affirmations to keep our attitude right when difficult times come our way but also maintain that network of support to help to get through those situations. We have to always believe we will survive and we are RESILIENT!!!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

My Nemasis!

There is one thing that each day I open my eyes I pay attention tomore than any other thing. If you know me then you know what it is. It is my stomach!!! Ugh!!!

It's the first thing I think about each morning. I check, hoping it has decreased in size. I'm hoping that it is no longer there.

I long for a flat belly and I talk about it constantly. I say, if I could lose my stomach I wouldn't have to worry about the rest of my body.

With all of the conversation around my stomach you wouldn't believe that I am always trying to determine what is next to eat. I'm a foodie and a Dr. Oz groupie/stalker. At least I'm always conscious of it and trying to determine what I can eat that will make it decrease.

They say that you can only change that which you focus your attention. If that were the case I would have the flatest belly of any woman on earth. Well now I guess I'm caught in the new research: stress increases the belly because of the cortisol. I'm doomed for destruction if that's the case. But I refuse to give up!

Next stop will be the Plastic Surgeon's Office! I'm ready to cut it off! It's got to go!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Monday, July 25, 2011

Necessary Evils!

May day is filled with rituals. I wake up at 4:30am. I go to the bathroom, read my morning mediation, put on my workout clothes, set my iPhone for the gospel radio station (I need all the help I can get for inspiration most importantly Jesus) and head to workout. After I workout I have to get coffee! You would think that after a hard work out I wouldn't need a jolt of java but I do. Now I don't drink coffee any other time of the day except one cup in the morning and it is a must have. I love the aroma and taste. It's amazing what it does for my personality! On some slow Saturdays I enjoy french pressing my coffee...oh heaven! What a treat!!
I know that this whole routine is a bit over the top since it occurs before work but it makes the day go by must smoother. I much easier to deal with and I am better equipped to handle what happens throughout the day. Trust me I've tried skipping a step or two especially the coffee and believe me, it is necessary!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Finding the best me!

About a year ago I said that I would start blogging. I opened the account and did my usual went head on and STOPPED! Well I've decided I'm going to restart but this time I'm going to have some accountability. So if you are receiving this email I'm hoping you will be my accountability partner. That just means if you don't see me post at least once a week then you'll give me a gentle nudge to get back on track. I'm starting with a small group but my hope is that it will grow and I will get better at this blogging exercise. If you're not interested please let me know and I will remove you from the list. No hard feelings.

My topic for this blog is personal branding! You see I truly believe that anytime we make contact with someone we are making an impression. We are saying who we are without saying one word. So I'm going to try to site examples through photos, phrases or non verbal cue that I notice. Feel free to comment back as this will be helpful for my "research". I believe many times in our communication with others we fail to convey the proper message because our verbal and nonverbal communication are inconsistent. So, please take this journey with me as I work to find me and hope you will find you!